EPLAN – efficient engineering.
EPLAN ponuja visokokakovostne programske in storitvene rešitve na področju elektrotehnike, avtomatizacije in mehatronike. Razvijamo eno izmed vodilnih svetovnih oblikovalskih programskih rešitev za načrtovanje strojev, obratov in stikalnih omar. Naša osrednja usmeritev je "učinkovit inženiring".
EPLAN Electric P8
EPLAN Electric P8 samodejno ustvari podrobne ocene kot sestavni del projektne dokumentacije - sproti ali po potrebi kombinira po zaključku projekta. Nadaljnji koraki postopka nato dobijo vse potrebne informacije od inženiringa: od celostnega načrtovanja do proizvodnje, zagona, vzdrževanja in popravil.
Panel Builder Journey: Panel designs in 3D
2D schematics vs 3D designs: comparing panel production. There definitely is! Using data from the schematics created in EPLAN, you can firstly compile important information for materials procurement.
Much has been said about EPLAN Platform, Version 2.8. Now, just a few days before the rollout, the focus is on EPLAN Electric P8. Users can look forward to enhancements in the areas of configuration, bus data and round-trip engineering with Siemens TIA Portal. EPLAN Electric P8, the established CAE solution, further surprises by introducing a completely new user interface and an integrated ...
EPLAN Pro Panel
EPLAN Pro Panel vam ponuja stabilne temelje za avtomatizacijo in industrializacijo vaše proizvodnje stikalnih omar. Omogoča 3D načrtovanje in izdelavo krmilnih omar, stikalnih sistemov in sistemov za distribucijo električne energije. EPLAN Pro Panel vam ponuja integrirano rešitev za zasnovo omare. Panoge in industrije.
Prenos - EPLAN
Free of charge downloads for customers and prospects are available. EPLAN Downloads
EPLAN Smart Wiring 2.9: Wiring made easy
Monheim, Germany, 14 October 2019 – Version 2.9 of EPLAN Smart Wiring makes the wiring process easier and more transparent. The EPLAN Smart Wiring Monitor architecture and layout have been completely redesigned. A project’s wiring status is now directly displayed, including the Test Mode. Dashboards can be individually customised and ...
EPLAN Preplanning, Version 2.8
EPLAN Preplanning bridges the gap between the design phase and interdisciplinary detail engineering. The numerous improvements to Version 2.8 make it even easier to update the detail engineering. All components and schematics relevant to the electrical design can be put into EPLAN Preplanning and made available to downstream engineering ...
EPLAN Platform 2024 Highlights
Po izboljšavah zmogljivosti za oblikovanje v 2D in 3D v prejšnjih dveh različicah, obljublja platforma EPLAN 2024 še dodaten dvig uporabnosti. Na voljo so tudi nove funkcije, ki razširjajo vaše možnosti pri uporabi programske opreme. Tu je pregled najpomembnejših novih funkcij. Za prikaz tega videa morate omogočiti funkcionalne piškotke.
EPLAN Data Portal
The Data Portal gives you direct online access to high-quality product catalogues from a continually growing pool of prestigious component manufacturers. Exciting new features await you in the EPLAN Cloud. Integrated, web-based data platform for provision of current device data from market-leading component manufacturers for direct use in EPLAN ...
A comprehensive portfolio of solutions from Rittal and EPLAN supports all steps in the manufacturing process. The data from the digital twin enables a great many processes to be automated during this phase, too, including panel machining, cable fabrication and the cutting of cable ducts or support rails.
EPLAN Smart Wiring
EPLAN Smart Wiring je vaš virtualni pomočnik za ročno ožičenje montažne plošče. Od točke priključka do natančne napeljave žic programska oprema elektroinštalaterju nudi vse potrebne informacije v digitalni obliki - po potrebi tudi v 3D.
Brezplačni dodatek EPLAN eVIEW AR uporabnikom omogoča preprosto uporabo 3D električnih modelov. Z uporabo razširjene resničnosti lahko 3D zasnovo iz EPLAN Pro Panel-a neposredno projicirate v svoje fizično okolje, pregledate njegovo zasnovo in uporabite eVIEW za navigacijo, od 3D izgleda naprave do njene umestitve v 2D električni shemi.
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions. What is EPLAN Education, and why should I use it? Am I eligible to use EPLAN Education? How long is an EPLAN Education License active for? How can I get EPLAN Education? What are the system requirements for EPLAN Education? Is EPLAN Education available for Mac?
Osrednji del EPLAN inženiringa. Načrtovanje elektro shem je zapleteno področje, zlasti ker več ljudi pogosto dela v različnih disciplinah na istem projektu. Podatki morajo biti uporabni tudi za druge oddelke. Hkrati je elektroinženiring vedno pod pritiskom časa, potrebna je pravočasna dostava in vedno paziti na nastale stroške.
Podjetje - EPLAN
EPLAN – efficient engineering. EPLAN ponuja programske in storitvene rešitve na področju elektrotehnike, avtomatizacije in mehatronike. Razvijamo eno vodilnih svetovnih oblikovalskih programskih rešitev za načrtovanje strojev, obratov in stikalnih omar. EPLAN je tudi idealen partner za racionalizacijo zahtevnih inženirskih procesov.
Nova metodologija za vaš inženiring. EPLAN eBUILD vam prinaša ključen korak naprej k avtomatiziranemu inženiringu. Vnaprej določene ali individualno prilagojene knjižnice omogočajo uporabnikom EPLAN-a, da pri vsakodnevnem delu ustvarijo sheme praktično s klikom miške. eBUILD je na voljo izključno v EPLAN oblaku. Ustvarite račun na ...
EPLAN Data Portal Update 2 / March 2021
337 manufacturers – about 990,000 data sets. Since March 18th, in addition to updated data we are very pleased to announce the following new partners:
Novice - EPLAN
LSIS, the leading electric equipment manufacturer in Korea, provides around 3.000 data sets at the EPLAN Data Portal.
Izobraževanja - EPLAN
EPLAN Izobraževanja. Organiziramo EPLAN tečaje, ki potekajo v učilnici na sedežu podjetja Rittal Slovenija ali na naslovu stranke. Tečaji so prilagojeni zahtevam tečajnikov in njihovemu predhodnemu znanju. Vodijo jih predavatelji, ki so certificirani s strani podjetja EPLAN. Učilnica s kapaciteto do 6 udeležencev je prostorna in ...
EPLAN Partner Network
Quanos acts as a software partner in industrial aftersales & service and technical documentation. The group, formed by merger in 2020, brings together market-leading digital experts with more than 25 years’ experience in developing innovative, successful, and sustainable technologies for manufacturers and operators of machines and systems.
EPLAN Solution Center: Practical Tips & Tricks. You can give our support team valuable information with the help of comments that you attach to your ticket as long as the ticket is being processed. You can upload explanatory data directly to your ticket. These will then be directly available to the EPLAN Helpdesk Team.
EPLAN Partner Network
Phoenix Contact is the global market leader for components, systems and solutions in the field of electrical engineering, electronics and automation. Today, the family-owned company employs around 17,600 people worldwide and generated a revenue of 2.48 billion euros in 2019. The headquarter is in Blomberg, Westphalia/Germany. The Phoenix Contact Group includes eighteen German and four ...