Tehnične informacije, sporočila za javnost, študije in tehnične informacije - vse novice na dostopu.


Od inovacij izdelkov do vodstvenih novic in strategij: V naših trenutnih sporočilih za javnost lahko najdete vse pomembne osnovne informacije o našem podjetju in naših rešitvah.

EPLAN L!ve: Best practices and more in just two-and-a-half hours

What challenges are machine builders and panel builders facing in today’s global markets? How can the right course be…

EPLAN Smart Wiring 2.9: Wiring made easy

A better overview of the project progress

Solutions provider EPLAN is presenting the new version of EPLAN Smart Wiring…

EPLAN ePULSE: Increasing quality at the product and process levels

The new EPLAN ePULSE cloud strategy

Solutions provider EPLAN has already been offering cloud-based systems for a…

A new design for EPLAN Electric P8

Much has been said about EPLAN Platform, Version 2.8. Now, just a few days before the rollout, the focus is on EPLAN…

Wiring processing now eight times faster

New Wire Terminal from Rittal Automation Systems

Wiring is one of the most labour-intensive processes in control and…

Virtual control cabinet engineering – fully matured

The new EPLAN Pro Panel, Version 2.8

The new Version 2.8 of EPLAN Pro Panel will be released shortly after the SPS IPC…

The new version: EPLAN Smart Wiring 2.8

EPLAN, the solution provider, is introducing upcoming EPLAN Smart Wiring, Version 2.8 at the SPS IPC Drives. Three key…

EPLAN Preplanning, Version 2.8

Solutions provider EPLAN bridges the gap between the design phase and interdisciplinary detail engineering. Numerous new…

New EPLAN office established in China

Ambitious plans

A total of 230 guests from the fields of science, business and politics celebrated the founding of…



Intervjuji, vadnice o naših izdelkih in rešitvah, dogodki in portreti zaposlenih: Na našem kanalu YouTube boste našli vse aktualne tem.



Intervjuji, vadnice o naših izdelkih in rešitvah, dogodki in portreti zaposlenih: Na našem kanalu YouTube boste našli vse aktualne tem.


Engineering 4.0

Researchers at the E4TC in Aachen introduced an engineering workflow model (amongst other things) and prepared an evaluation matrix with five efficiency levels.

Control Cabinet Engineering 4.0

Ali je vredno uvesti avtomatizacijo za proizvodne in inženirske procese pri proizvodnji elektro omar? Seveda! Tako velikim korporacijam kot manjšim podjetjem.

White paper

White paper Electrified – The Digital Twin

Dokument prikazuje, iz česa je sestavljen digitalni dvojček in katere discipline in področja lahko z njim sodelujejo, s posebnim poudarkom na inženirskem področju oblikovanja in dokumentiranja žic in žičnih sklopov v 3D.

White paper Designing large plants

Dokument opisuje področja dejavnosti, ki so pomembna za izvajanje koncepta modularizacije in ponovne uporabe ter za izvajanje avtomatiziranih inženirskih procesov.



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