Odkrijte EPLAN
Optimizacija inženirskih procesov po vsem svetu
EPLAN ponuja programske in storitvene rešitve na področju elektrotehnike, avtomatizacije in mehatronike. Zaposlujemo 1460 ljudi na področju optimizacije inženirskih procesov v podjetjih po vsem svetu. Naš skupni cilj: programske rešitve za prihodnost za naše stranke. Podjetje je del mednarodno uspešne skupine Friedhelm Loh Group z 12 proizvodnimi obrati, 95 podružnicami in 12.100 zaposlenimi.
Kaj je posebnega pri delu za skupino Friedhelm Loh?
Močno povezana z regijo in hkrati globalni igralec - za nas se ti dve stvari ne izključujeta. Podjetja skupine Friedhelm Loh so srednje velika družinska podjetja. Zanimajo nas dolgoročni odnosi z zaposlenimi, kupci in partnerji, da bi vsem zagotovili uspeh. Ti pogoji ponujajo različne priložnosti - zlasti za medkulturno sodelovanje.
Globalni igralec
Več kot polovica zaposlenih v naši skupini podjetij dela zunaj Nemčije. Zaradi globalnega poudarka naših strank in raznolikosti panog, naše dejavnosti postajajo vedno bolj mednarodne.
Ti pogoji ponujajo različne priložnosti in perspektive - za zanimive projekte in medkulturno sodelovanje. Spoznate nove ljudi, trge in kulture ter določite smer za svojo kariero - ne glede na to, ali ste pripravnik, študent ali strokovnjak.
Vodilni inovator
Prihodnost izumljamo že več kot petdeset let. Zaposleni v naši skupini podjetij delajo doma in v tujini z veliko predanostjo in navdušenjem za tehnični napredek, nenehno rast in uspešno prihodnost. Izvedite več o novih izdelkih, aktualnih izdelkih in novostih v reviji za stranke Friedhelm Loh Group.
Loh akademija
Skupina Friedhelm Loh, kot najboljši delodajalec, ima svoj inštitut za strokovno usposabljanje. Loh Academy je osrednja institucija za poklicno in strokovno usposabljanje v skupini Friedhelm Loh od leta 2002. Z več kot sto različnimi programi usposabljanja in sodobnimi izobraževalnimi možnostmi za zaposlene, ekipe in oddelke Loh Academy ponuja tudi prilagojene razvojne in kvalifikacijske dejavnosti.
Ravnovesje dela in zasebnega življenja
We’re interested in long-term working relationships and want you to face the tasks and challenges with joy and passion. However, we are aware that general framework must be right for this. That is why we’ve been committed for many years to ensuring that our employees can balance their work, free time and planning their private lives.
Our flexitime and job-sharing models give you freedom and flexibility. This is how we build bridges between the operational requirements, the wishes of our customers and our employees’ personal demands and objectives. For instance, we sometimes offer the opportunity for working from home in certain cases.
Pay and Voluntary Social Benefits
Along with commensurate pay, we also create the optimal conditions for our employees’ working environments. This also includes offering a whole range of voluntary social benefits.
Employees’ targeted commitment is a prerequisite for the overall success of the Friedhelm Loh Group, which is why our remuneration model also includes variable components, such as employee participation in the company’s overall success.
Company Pension Scheme
Under the maxim “providing for tomorrow today”, we offer our employees a flexible and secure company pension scheme with attractive interest rates. This allows capital to be saved in addition to statutory pension schemes via pre-tax deferred compensation. Employees themselves decide about the amount of their pension and can select from various model variants each year.
Occupational Health Management
We all spend a large amount of our time at the workplace. So what makes more sense than to design our working environment in such a way that it is conducive to your health?
As part of our occupational health management plan, we create the appropriate conditions for maintaining the health of our employees in the workplace. In addition to occupational health and safety and in-house rehabilitation management, our health management programme brings together numerous health-promoting measures. In this way, we not only help our employees get back on their feet at the workplace after an illness, we also promote health with targeted preventative measures.
Environment, Responsibility and Sustainability
The family-owned Friedhelm Loh Group places particular importance on social engagement and commitment – and we’ve been doing it for more than fifty years. “We are aware of our responsibility to the environment and society in which we live. We want, therefore, to take part in shaping and improving it.” This company principle shows that for us, success also means taking responsibility. For example, the company is committed to supporting social projects, education and culture.
Pridružite se nam
Bi radi postali del naše skupine? V bazi podatkov o prostih delovnih mestih skupine Friedhelm Loh lahko najdete trenutna delovna mesta in se lahko prijavite neposredno prek spleta.