Preprosto delite in komentirajte vaše projekte
Projektni podatki, ustvarjeni in izboljšani v EPLAN platformi, zdaj postanejo digitalno dostopni za vse udeležence v celotni vrednostni verigi – od inženiringa do proizvodnje, montaže do servisiranja in vzdrževanja. Registrirajte se na EPLAN Cloud za brezplačen dostop in uporabo.
Communication and Collaboration Made Simple
eVIEW lets you digitally implement engineering review processes. This free software allows structured collaboration with co-workers, customers and service providers.
Out-of-date, illegible or missing control cabinet and machine documentation is an everyday problem for maintenance and servicing. With eVIEW, you always have easy access from the cloud to the most up-to-date schematics using a web browser, at any time and from any location. This way, you can even get 3D visualisations of a control cabinet if it’s available in the documentation.
eVIEW makes communication and collaboration easy: across projects, disciplines and companies. It allows you to securely and efficiently communicate with different departments, suppliers and service providers. eVIEW can also be connected to other in-house cloud solutions.
eVIEW allows you to view and comment on changes from any location using an internet browser. The software easily and intuitively leads you through the redlining process, enabling you to view and comment on changes to a project. This ensures enhanced communication between all teams in the workflow as well as maximum efficiency and accuracy.
eVIEW is your location-independent single source of truth for defined users. You decide who gets access to your engineering project data. Clearly definable access rights ensure data security.
By digitalising the review process, eVIEW enables engineering coordination to be completely paperless. Documentation for servicing and maintenance is also available in digital form – for lower paper consumption and always up-to-date plant documentation.
Novosti in najboljše prakse
Na EPLAN blogu se lahko neposredno od naših uporabnikov naučite, kako koristijo eVIEW pri svojem vsakdanjem delu.
Delo na daljavo: Ustvarjanje novega normalnega
Digitalna revolucija omogoča večjo učinkovitost in hitrejše komunikacije med oddelki, hkrati pa močno zmanjšuje ogljični odtis podjetij.
Zakaj se podjetja, kot je LCA, zdaj zanašajo na postopke digitalnega pregleda
Ustvarjanje shem z uporabo profesionalne inženirske programske opreme, nato pa uporaba PDF-jev ali izpisov za natančno uravnavanje in posodobitve? Za britansko družbo LCA Group to ni bila možnost.